My System Setup
Coding is one of my favorite Hobbies apart from Music and Films. My system is a Desktop with 4Gigs of RAM and an Intel Pentium Processor with 1024+ 160 Gigs of HDD Space.I’ve got a Windows and Linux Setup in my Desktop. I use Linux more than Windows. The only use for windows is for transferring files from the Pendrives and my Drives.
My Linux Setup
I use Ubuntu with KDE Plasma as the Desktop Environment which makes it Kubuntu. So The terminal is “Konsole”. I use ‘Oh-My-ZSH’ rather than the original ‘Bash’ as my console. Oh-My-ZSH is so cool and the way we could customize it to our needs.
My ZSH Setup
- Theme is “Norm”
- Plugins -> Git
- Sometimes I cahnge the Theme to Powerlevel 9k
I’ve got my Editors as Vim, NeoVim, Visual Studio Code and Atom. VS Code is my main editor while NeoVim is used Second. I use Atom and Vim for extreme cases. I don’t check on my windows much so I don’t know whats there.
I mostly use these editors for JavaScript and Python. Occassionaly HTMl,C sometimes React, Django, Machine Learning Examples etc…
Favorite Apps
- Latte Dock(For the MAC OS like Dock)
- Spotify
- Tmux
- GitHub Desktop for Linux
Vs Code Plugins
- Python for VsCode
- C/C++
- Wakatime(For Coding Metrics)
- GitLens
- GitHub Pull Requests
- Live Server
- Material Icon Theme
- Markdown Previeew GitHub
- ESLint
- Prettier
- DeepDark Material Theme(Colors and Syntaxes)
- Fira Code
Vim/NeoVim Plugins
- Airline
- Python-Mode
- WakaTime
- Papaya(Colors)
- NerdTree
- Vim JavaScript
Git Setup
All The basic aliases for the Git Plugin for Oh-My-ZSH